Antea Group is a Leader of the Consortium, together with local partners at the request of the PGW Wody Polskie (National Board of Water Management).

The Consortium is responsible for carrying out a strategic environmental impact assessment of the draft plan, preparing a draft regulation on the adoption of a plan for countermeasure the effects of drought, as well as information and promotion activities in this area.
The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2022.

Project description

Project goal is preparing plans to counteract the effects of drought for each river basin district designated in Poland. As part of the preparation of the Plan, identification and hierarchisation of areas threatened by drought in individual river basin areas, assessment of drought protection needs and development of a set of actions aimed at preventing and mitigating the effects of drought.

Main aims

The main aims of the project are:

  • development of a drought mitigation plan, including the division of the country into river basin districts
  • carrying out a strategic environmental assessment of the draft plan
  • preparation of a draft regulation for the adoption of a drought management plan
  • information and promotion activities in this area