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Quality Assurance (QA) & Quality Control (QC)
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Quality Assurance (QA) & Quality Control (QC)

Complete support for your projects

We support our customers in the implementa on of their investments in accordance with quality standards, applicable legal regula ons and contractual condi ons throughout the en re product life cycle - from the review of documenta on, through the manufacturing and assembly phases to the acceptance. We ensure that products, devices, equipment and installa ons are manufactured in accordance with the required standards.

Scope of services

  • Inspections and factory supervision of the manufacturing stage (welding, painting)
  • Inspections and supervisions of assembly works
  • Inspections of produc on progress or project realisa on in accordance with the schedule
  • Mechanical inspections
  • Electrical inspections
  • FAT inspections
  • Acceptances before the shipment
  • Opinions on welding and quality documentation

Our experts hold IWE certifications along with certificates of competency, NDT certifications, FROSIO level III and NACE level II certifications.

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