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Thermal energy
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Thermal energy

Antea Polska will support Michelin in the construction of a new steam-gas boiler in Olsztyn

Antea Polska will support Michelin in the construction of a new steam-gas boiler in Olsztyn

Antea Group as Owner's Engineer at Jaworzno Power Plant

Antea Group as Owner's Engineer at Jaworzno Power Plant

DeNOx and DeSOx installations in Siekierki CHP Plant

DeNOx and DeSOx installations in Siekierki CHP Plant

Construction of a new gas-fired heating plant for the Michelin factory

Construction of a new gas-fired heating plant for the Michelin factory

Owner's Engineer in Czechowice-Dziedzice CHP Plant

Owner's Engineer in Czechowice-Dziedzice CHP Plant

Flue gas cleaning installation and modernisation of boilers at ZW Nowa

Flue gas cleaning installation and modernisation of boilers at ZW Nowa

Construction of a cogeneration system at ZC Czeczott

Construction of a cogeneration system at ZC Czeczott

Complete support for your projects

Complete support for your projects

Improving the efficiency of the district heating system of PEC Gliwice

Improving the efficiency of the district heating system of PEC Gliwice

Owner's Engineer for investments planned by PEC-Gliwice

Owner's Engineer for investments planned by PEC-Gliwice