Antea Polska S.A. has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure to prepare documentation for a strategic Environmental Impact Assessment for the Multiannual Programme project 'Comprehensive Development of the of the Middle Oder River'.

Purpose of the contract

Implementation of the contract aims to provide a strategic Environmental Impact Assessment and to indicate what future environmental effects may arise from the realisation of the measures indicated in the draft Multiannual Programme. Based on the results of the Assessment, necessary changes will be introduced to the Programme to enable the Project to be implemented in a sustainable way.

Scope of the contract

The scope of the contract includes: 

  • preparation of a methodological report, 
  • developing a draft Environmental Impact Assessment for the draft Multiannual Programme, 
  • organisation of the public consultations and agreements for the draft forecast and the draft Multiannual Programme, as well as the provision of substantive and organisational support in the process of these consultations and agreements, 
  • developing a draft version of the final Environmental Impact Assessment, the draft Multiannual Programme and the draft summary document, 
  • providing substantive support to the Contracting Authority in the process of the strategic environmental assessment.

Objectives of the Programme

The main objective of the Multiannual Programme project is the comprehensive development of the Middle Oder River, taking into account the assumptions of transport and water policy. 

Implementation of the task will make it possible to carry out inland waterway transport along the entire length of the Oder River by eliminating the bottleneck in the middle section of the Oder River by building two water stages on the E30 international waterway. One of these will be built near the city of Lubiaz and the other near the city of Scinawa. The investments will include the construction of movable flap weirs, navigation locks, hydroelectric power plants, fish ladders, control rooms and other associated facilities and will be carried out by the The National Water Agency (Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie). Modern investments in water management allow the development of waterways while taking into account environmental considerations. 

The specific objectives of the draft Multiannual Programme, on the other hand, are to strengthen the integration of the sea ports of Szczecin and Swinoujscie with the hinterland, to increase hydropower production and to improve the functioning of water management on a regional basis, including ensuring flood safety.